Welcome to Pacific City!

For a third iteration in a row, I have a story in SFFWorld's yearly (ish) anthology series. This year they created a shared world of heroes and villains (super and otherwise) set in an imaginary city on North America's western coast, Welcome to Pacific City. The stories I wrote for the last two anthos shared a secondary world of my own, one I hope to return to with more stories, but clearly I couldn't shoehorn that into this year's theme. So I created a story of genetic modification and police brutality that's also, in some ways, a superhero origin story.

Looking through the info I've seen for the other stories, it looks like a fun anthology. And there's some fun info on the setting at the website, in-world tourist info with some guerrilla propaganda woven in. Well worth exploring the site. I always love that kind of detail surrounding an imagined world.

Each of the contributors has been interviewed on topics related to the antho, and those mini interviews are going up, with a new one each day. This past weekend, my mini interview went live. I wasn't planning to claim Robin Hood's mantle, but as I answered the questions, I realized that's how it was coming across. So I ran with it...

