
Spire City serial fiction project

  • Season One: Infected ran from May-July, 2015
  • Season Two: Pursued ran from October-December, 2015
  • Season Three: Unwoven ran from March-May, 2016
  • Occupied ran on Kindle Vella, Curious Fictions, and Ko-fi, 2021
all available in various formats now
plus novella, novelette, and various short stories (see links above)

The Arcist Chronicles

#1 The Silk Betrayal
#2 The Roots of Betrayal (June 2022)
#3 A Trade in Betrayals (October 2024)


"Food and Illusion for the Starving" in Nameless
"Stranger" in Big Pulp
"The Palms That Tear Through Human Hearts" (poem) in Kaleidotrope
"The Truth About Trees" (poem) Star*Line
"Defeating the Dragon-Wizard Lord" in Limerick in Chains


"What Grows From our Heads" (poem) in Dreams & Nightmares, May 2024
"In the City of the Faced" in Factor Four Magazine
"Benthic Myth of the Deep Sea" in The Pink Hydra
Ephemeral Village (poetry chapbook) published by Island of Wak-Wak Press


The Market of Magical Goods, (chapbook) collection of microfictions
"Hands that Cannot Grasp" (poem) in Kaleidotrope
"The Alien Words, Formed and Empty" in Star*Line 46.4
"Excavating Lost Languages" in Frozen Wavelets #8
"The Triptych of the Final String" reprinted in The Cosmic Muse anthology


"The Cities Rise Up on Legs of Lead" in Daily Science Fiction
"Unveiling the Moon" (poem) in Eye to the Telescope 44
"The Battle Monument Over Tessain II" (poem) in Eye to the Telescope 45
"The Stockings of Santa River" in Alternative Holidays anthology
"The Counter Poison Pigment" in Daily Science Fiction
"By the Scars Shall You Know" in Metaphorosis
"The Grammar of City Streets" in Diabolical Plots


"The Mirror Merchant's Tales" in Daily Science Fiction
"Fire and Death and the Terror of a Fair Barker, Enraged" in Festival of Fear anthology
"The Pelagic Colossus" in Star*Line 44.3
"The Forbidden Path to Forgetting" in Fantasy Magazine
"A Chance to Breathe" in Zooscape
"The Power of Presents and Spidersilk" in Weird Christmas contest (including audio)


"Carnival Days and Days" in Daily Science Fiction
"Library of Whispers" in Polu Texni
"The Flying City" in Liminality 24
"Heroes Never Die" in Frozen Wavelets
"Body Double for the Oldest Organism" in Star*Line 43.3
"Assailing the Gardens of Pleasure" in Heroic Fantasy Quarterly
"Six Views of the Wall" in Dear Leader Tales


Cities of Wonder, Rails of Irreality which includes a mixture of reprints and previously unreleased stories and poems
"The Scapegoat Village" in Kaleidotrope
"To Climb by the Light of the Sputtering Sun" in SFFWorld's anthology Dying Earths
"Letter to Santa from a Budding Mad Scientist" (audio reprint)
"Amid Stone and Sun, an Alias" in Mirror Dance


"The Towers are on Strike" in Daily Science Fiction
"Ostracizing the Blacksmith" in Polu Texni
"Gasps of a Scaled City" in Weird City #2
"Over Water, Under Surveillance" in SFFWorld's anthology Welcome to Pacific City
"Doppelganger's Showdown" in FrostFire Worlds, May 2018


"The Desert Cure" in Mythic Delirium 4.2
"Alien Artifact Restoration" in On-Spec 106
"Learning the Language of Denshin" in Polu Texni
"Three Days of Unnamed Silence" in Diabolical Plots
"The Patterns of Cloth and Dreams" an Amazon-exclusive Spire City novella
"Naming the Trash Moons" in Eye to the Telescope
"Some Things Overlooked" in Star*line 40.3
"Tending a Trace of Chaos" a sonnet in Star*line 40.1
"The Poetics of Defiance" in GigaNotoSaurus
"Against Mint Justice" in Gallery of Curiosities ep 46 (a Spire City audio story)


"Mapping the Buzz of Insects" in the SFFWorld anthology You Are Here
"The Front" in Bourbon Penn 12
"Beings of Air" in Mythic Delirium 2.4
"Uncanny Instrument (a fib)" in Illumen 23
"Usurper Autumn" in Illumen 23
"The Essence of Good and Evil" in Every Day Fiction
"Untouched by Fire" in Myriad Lands 1 anthology (a prequel short story to The Silk Betrayal)
"The Memory of Masks" in Polu Texni
"Monuments of Frost" in Polu Texni
"The Blood Tree War" in Diabolical Plots
"A Dart of Deadly Serum" (a Spire City microfiction)
"Peace, a Triptych" in Spirit's Tincture #2
"Letter to Santa from a Budding Mad Scientist" in Splickety, December 2016, Christmas in Crisis


"The Spire Singers" a Spire City novelette
"Orthography in the Lands of Yahm" in Strange Horizons (also available as a podcast)
"Seasons in a Moon Ocean" in Dreams & Nightmares #100
"Apprentice in the Steam Library" in Steampunk: The Other Worlds anthology (a Spire City story)
"Among the Sighs of the Violoncellos" in Strange Horizons (also available as a podcast)
"The Alien Ruins" in The Pedestal (also in audio)
"The Gunpowder Resistance" in Every Day Fiction (a Spire City story)
"A Message Sent Back Across Space-Time: a Ghazal" in Grievous Angel
"The Exiles Pine for Home" poem sent exclusively to Spire City subscribers
"Seeds by a Hurricane Torn" in SFFWorld's Ecotones Anthology


"The Bridge of Lok-Altor" in SQ Magazine edition 12
"A Map is Not the World" in Unburied Treasures: an illustrated anthology
"Planet Jumpers" in Every Day Fiction; also in podcast form by EDF
"Village of the Time Travelers" in The First Annual INDIE-pendence Day Anthology


"The Electro-Addictive Moth-Flame" from Musa Publishing, Darkside Codex
"Delicacies and Delights of Boskrean Cuisine" in Miscellanea Library
"Three Adventures of Simon Says, the Elder," in The Journal of Unlikely Architecture
"Scolyard's 'The Constructs Foresee Their Doom" in Three-Lobed Burning Eye
"Winter on Mars" in Space & Time #119
"The Square That Hides a Thousand Stories" reprinted in The Best of Penumbra Volume 1
"Hometown Hero, Gone for Good" in Every Day Fiction
"To Hunt a Sky Eel" in Perihelion SF
"The Immigrant Looks Back" in Songs of Eretz
"The Earth is No More With Us" in Mars: The Next Frontier anthology
"Seven Ways of Bringing Down the Regime" in Electric Velocipede 27


"Gallery of Vanquished Art" in Kaleidotrope, Winter 2012
"Haibun: Carved in Alien Stone" in Illumen #16
"Whither the Lunar Bison?" in Moon: the Eighth Continent
"A Poet's House" in Every Day Poets
"The Chief Censor" in Every Day Fiction
"A Dream of the City's Future" in Penumbra 1:11
"The Rustic Ladder" in Bourbon Penn issue 5
"Moon Eclipse Magic" in New Myths issue 20
"The Aliens Come With a Demand" in Drabbler 21


"Cities of Nostalgia" in Kaleidotrope #11
"Spell" in Aiofe's Kiss #37
"To Save a Hero" in Bards & Sages Quarterly, July 2011
"Lumberjill" in Flagship Magazine #6
"Fall of the City" in Daily Science Fiction
"Horns or Wings" in Every Day Fiction
"Imagination Thief" in Hungur Magazine #13
"What Swims These Waters" in One Buck Horror #2
"Tree Ring Anthology" in Horror Anthology of Horror Anthologies
three twitter haiku in Microcosms, 1, 2, 3
three twitter haiku and a showcase poet interview in Trapeze, 1, 2, 3
"The Square That Hides a Thousand Stories" in Penumbra issue #1


"A Haunting of Birds" at Eschatology


unnamed tweet story at Outshine
"Even So (a Fib)" at Every Day Poets
"The Last Centaur, Dying" at Everyday Weirdness
"The Rude Man's Menagerie" in Nemonymous 9: Cern Zoo
"City of Facades" in Cinema Spec from Raven Electrick Ink
#WorldAsh, a serial twitter story in Thaumatrope
"March" at Every Day Poets
"Knot" at Every Day Poets
"The Romantic and the Pragmatist, Biking" at Every Day Poets


"Running With the Eagle" at Every Day Poets
"Exile, Self-selected" at MindFlights
"Machines Tend the Abandonded Fields" in Raven Electrick
"The Bramble Wolf and the Hunter" in New Myths
"The Game" in Fictitious Force #5
"Canyon of Babel" (reprint) in Labyrinth Inhabitant Magazine
"The Mad Juggler" in Written Word #9
"Shadow Streets" in Staffs & Starships #2
"Journey: Archetype in a Pop Song Structure" in Every Day Fiction


"Gather in the Growing Things" in Dragons, Knights, & Angels
"A Winter Solstice Sun" in Reflection's Edge
"City of Games" in Sporty Spec from Raven Electrick Ink.
"Stump Courtship" in Kaleidotrope #3.
"In the Grove of Sickle Grass" in Reflection's Edge
"Hope Games" in The Sword Review.
"A Poisoned Brush" in Fictitious Force #4
"Stellar Roullette" in Every Day Fiction
"Metamorphosis of the Phosphorescent Avenger" (podcast) in Drabblecast
"The Underdweller's Fight" in Art & Prose #3
"Word Doctor" in Nemonymous 7: Zencore!.
"The Underground School of Lower Education" in OG's Speculative Fiction #6
"First Peeling" in Kaleidotrope #2.
"People of the Growing Moon" in Spinning Whorl #3
"Sports Fable Press" in Noneuclidean Cafe
"Sleep Doctor" in All Possible Worlds #1.
"The Ship of Silk on the Calmest Sea" in Reflection's Edge
"The Bomb of Eden" in Shantytown Anomaly #4


two untitled scifaiku in Scifaikuest, November 2006 print issue
"Arnie's Eyes" in The Sword Review
"Treasure from the God" in The Sword Review
"Turtle Car in the Mountains" in Mytholog
two untitled scifaiku in special audio edition of Scifaikuest
"Canyon of Babel" from Jupiter World Press


"Subversives" in Out of Line, Writings on Peace & Justice
"Montgó" in Red River Review