A Trade in Betrayals at MileHiCon!
Yesterday I finally had a chance to hold a copy of A Trade in Betrayals in my hands! I'll be down at MileHiCon in Denver this weekend for its release. I have a few panels I'm on, and I'll be hanging out at Guardbridge Books' vendor table a bunch of the time as well.
The city of outcasts has been protected by Pavresh's magic for five years, but food is scarce and their enemies powerful. When a rival city employs its own magic against them, nothing stands in their way, and Pavresh is nowhere to be found. Has he betrayed them? Or been captured himself by their controlling magic?
This conclusion to the Arcist Chronicles opens up the world of the Eghsal Valley while destroying much that is good about it, with battle-dancing and exploration, coded messages and lost wanderers, and underlying it all, competing visions for the way the world is and the way the world could be.
And here's a look at all three books in the trilogy!
There is no way to buy the book online yet, but I'll be posting links as soon as I have them!