2023 wrap-up (Award Eligibility post)
It's that time of year to look back at what I had published this past year (and supposedly to advocate for them to appear on year-end recommendation lists and award short lists and the like, but I'm never very good at that part of it). I had 3 short stories published in 2023 (one flash), 2 poems, and one chapbook of microfictions. Plus one short story reprinted in an anthology.
"The Life Cycle of a Shadow" appeared in the anthology *A Compendium of Enigmatic Species* It's a pseudo-journalistic piece about the lesser and greater shadows and the threat one specific shadow poses to the world
"Excavating Lost Languages" appeared in issue 8 of Frozen Wavelets. It's a flash story full of linguistic whimsy and imaginary writing systems, lost to time.
"What Passes for Eyes in Dreams and Death" appeared in issue 92 of Fantasy Magazine. (And currently short-listed for a best-of anthology...) A Piranesi-tinted story of the beings that haunt a funeral home. Tangent thinks "It would have worked better as a poem" ...
Now the poems. "Hands That Cannot Grasp" appeared in spring 2023 issue of Kaleidotrope. It's a poem of transformation.
And "The Alien Words, Formed and Empty" appeared in the fall 2023 issue of Star*Line. It's a poem about aliens, architecture, and communication.
Finally my chapbook: *The Market of Magical Goods* is a collection of drabbles about a magical market, a little over half never before published. It's fun, short, and whimsical.
And it may not be award eligible, but do check out my "The Triptych of the Final String," which was reprinted in November in the anthology *The Cosmic Muse*
Do I have a favorite from this year? Don't make me pick...But "What Passes for Eyes in Dreams and Death" is the sentimental favorite because of Fantasy Magazine closing down.
As a story it's high on craft and strangeness. Or, you know, "shoulda been a poem..."