"Hands That Cannot Grasp" in Kaleidotrope!
A bit late to this (and there's more news coming very soon to add to it...). But I'm thrilled that my poem "Hands That Cannot Grasp" appeared in the latest issue of Kaleidotrope. It is a poem of transformation:
Why did we do it? Why this
transformation into flora, this losing
of what we once thought human?
Call it a mix of can and curiosity,
an alchemy of what-if, a wish
to step outside and see beyond.
Kaleidotrope always has a good selection of worthy stories and poems, so be sure to read the whole issue (it appears there's no direct link yet to the current issue, until a new issue comes out and it gets added to the archives--but it's easy to find from the link to my poem above and this link should become the correct link once it's archived).